Starbucks Interview

Preparing for Your Starbucks Interview: From Application to Interview Day

Aug 12, 2024

Want to land that Starbucks gig? Let’s brew up a plan.

Landing a job at Starbucks isn’t just about loving coffee—it’s about showing up prepared, looking sharp, and nailing that interview. Whether you’re a coffee aficionado or just starting your career journey, this guide will help you become the candidate they can’t resist.

Working at Starbucks is appealing not only because of its positive work culture and employee relationships but also due to the quality of Starbucks coffee.

The interview process at Starbucks is straightforward and often relaxed, with stages including initial screening and in-person interviews.

Securing an Interview

The Application Game

First things first—you’ve got to get your foot in the door. Polishing your resume isn’t just about listing jobs; it’s about showcasing your potential. Recruiters review job applicants to find the best fit for specific openings, so ensure your resume is updated and highlights your strengths.

Highlight any customer service experience, even if it’s from babysitting or helping at school events.

Starbucks values people skills as much as coffee knowledge. The barista position requires specific skills and personal attributes, such as previous experience, enjoyment of the hands-on nature of the role, and the convenience of location.

When filling out your application, use words straight from the job description. If they say they’re looking for “passionate” team members, guess what? You’re passionate about coffee and customer service.

It’s not about stretching the truth; it’s about aligning your experiences with what they’re seeking.

For the shift supervisor position, emphasize relevant skills and past experiences that demonstrate your ability to effectively supervise and organize teams.

Don’t forget to give your online presence a quick clean-up. Starbucks, like many employers, might take a peek at your social media. Make sure it reflects the professional image you want to project.

Networking Strategies

You’ve heard it before: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” In the case of Starbucks, it’s both. Start by striking up conversations with Starbucks employees. They’re not just there to make your latte; they could be your ticket to insider information about hiring practices or upcoming openings.

Local coffee events are goldmines for networking. Yes, they exist, and yes, Starbucks folks might be there. It’s not about being salesy; it’s about genuine connections. Share your passion for coffee, ask questions, and let your enthusiasm shine through.

Connecting with store managers at these events can provide valuable insights into hiring practices and career opportunities.

Don’t underestimate the power of LinkedIn. Connect with Starbucks recruiters and employees. Engage with their posts, share relevant content, and build relationships. It’s not just about adding connections; it’s about being part of the conversation.

Following Up Like a Pro

You’ve submitted your application. Great job! But your work isn’t done. The follow-up can make or break your chances. Here’s how to do it right:

Wait about a week after submitting your application. Then, reach out to the store or HR department. Express your continued interest in the position and ask about the next steps in the hiring process. It’s not about being pushy; it’s about showing initiative.

Additionally, keep your application materials current and connect with job postings and opportunities as they arise, particularly for roles like shift manager, which can be a stepping stone to a store manager position.

Remember, your follow-up is a reflection of how you’d treat customers—with attention and care. Keep it professional, brief, and enthusiastic. You’re not just asking for a job; you’re offering them a great employee.

Pre-Interview Prep: Starbucks Interview Questions

When it comes to nailing your Starbucks interview, preparation is your secret weapon. The interview process often assesses your customer service skills through behavioral and situational questions.

Let’s dive deep into how you can set yourself up for success.

Additionally, mentioning your favorite Starbucks drink can reflect your enthusiasm for the brand and product knowledge.

Know Starbucks Inside Out

Becoming a Starbucks encyclopedia isn’t just about impressing your interviewer—it’s about showing them you’re genuinely passionate about joining their team. Here are some simple facts to get you in the mood:

  • Starbucks was founded in 1971 in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.
  • It’s now the world’s largest coffeehouse chain, with over 30,000 locations globally.
  • The company’s mission: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

But don’t stop there. Dive into their recent initiatives and company culture:

  1. Sustainability efforts: Starbucks has committed to cutting their carbon footprint in half by 2030.
  2. Community involvement: Research their social impact programs, like the Starbucks Foundation and their commitment to hiring veterans and refugees.
  3. Coffee sourcing: Understand their C.A.F.E. (Coffee and Farmer Equity) Practices and why ethical sourcing matters to them.
  4. Innovation: Stay up-to-date on their latest products or tech advancements, like their mobile ordering app.
  5. Educational support: Learn about the Starbucks College Achievement Plan (SCAP), which offers employees financial support and resources to pursue higher education, showcasing the company’s commitment to their educational pursuits.

Pro tip: Follow Starbucks on social media and check their press releases for the most current info. This knowledge will come in handy when you’re answering questions or asking your own.

 For more on nailing those questions, check out our guide on Common Starbucks Interview Questions

Study the Menu

You don’t need to memorize every drink, but having a solid grasp of the menu shows you’re serious about the role:

  • Know the difference between core drinks (like lattes, cappuccinos, and Americanos)
  • Understand what makes Starbucks’ brewing methods unique
  • Familiarize yourself with their non-coffee options and food items
  • Be aware of seasonal offerings and why they’re popular

During the interview process, you may be offered a free drink. Take it. This helps create a more relaxed atmosphere and allows you to showcase their product knowledge and personal preferences.

This knowledge isn’t just for the interview—it’ll give you a head start if you land the job.

Practice Makes Perfect

Mock interviews are your best friend. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  1. Recruit a practice partner: A friend, family member, or career counselor can play the role of interviewer.
  2. Set the scene: Try to replicate the interview environment. If possible, practice in a coffee shop to get comfortable with background noise.
  3. Prepare for common questions: “Why do you want to work at Starbucks?” and “How would you handle a difficult customer?” are likely to come up. Practice your responses, but don’t memorize them word-for-word—you want to sound natural. When discussing how to handle a rude customer, emphasize the importance of remaining calm and focusing on resolving the issue.
  4. Record yourself: This can be uncomfortable, but it’s incredibly valuable. Watch for filler words, body language, and overall presentation.
  5. Mix it up: Have your practice interviewer throw in some unexpected questions. This helps you get comfortable thinking on your feet.

Remember, the goal isn’t to have a script, but to feel confident expressing your thoughts and experiences.

For more interview strategies, including how to handle curveball questions, check out our upcoming Advanced Interview Tactics Guide

Ultimately, the best way to prepare for an interview is to actually take one yourself. We have created a Starbucks interview question set which will really prepare you for your interview.

Mindset Matters: Customer Service Skills

Your attitude can make or break your interview. Here’s how to get in the right headspace:

  1. Visualization: Spend time visualizing a successful interview. See yourself answering questions confidently, making a great connection with the interviewer, and leaving feeling accomplished. Imagine the excitement and opportunities of joining a new Starbucks store, where your successful interview could lead to being part of a fresh team in a vibrant new location.
  2. Positive self-talk: Replace thoughts like “I hope I don’t mess up” with “I’m excited to show them why I’m a great fit.” This subtle shift can boost your confidence dramatically.
  3. Reframe nervousness: That flutter in your stomach? It’s not nervousness—it’s excitement. This mental reframing can help you channel those feelings positively.
  4. Remember your worth: Yes, Starbucks is a great company, but they need great employees just as much as you need a job. You bring value to the table.
  5. Prepare questions: Having thoughtful questions ready shows you’re engaged and serious about the opportunity. It also helps you evaluate if Starbucks is the right fit for you.

(For ideas on what to ask, see our upcoming guide on Questions to Ask Your Starbucks Interviewer)

The Night Before

Set yourself up for success with these pre-interview rituals:

  • Lay out your outfit (more on that in our Dressing for Success section)
  • Gather all necessary documents (resumes, ID, etc.)
  • Plan your route and check for any potential traffic issues
  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Set multiple alarms to ensure you wake up on time

By investing time in thorough preparation, you’re not just getting ready for an interview—you’re laying the groundwork for a potential career with Starbucks.

Remember, they’re not just looking for someone who can make great coffee; they’re looking for individuals who embody their values and can contribute to their mission. As a Starbucks partner, you’ll have access to various benefits and resources, such as the College Achievement Plan, enrollment coaches, and financial aid counselors, which support your educational and career growth.

With this level of preparation, you’ll walk into your interview not just hoping for success, but expecting it. You’ve done the work—now it’s time to show Starbucks why you’re their next great hire.

Interview Day Essentials

What to Bring: Documents and Attitude

On interview day, you want to be prepared for anything. Start with the basics: multiple copies of your resume (yes, even if you applied online), a notepad, and a pen. Bring your ID and any documents they’ve specifically requested. These are your tools, showing you’re organized and ready for action.

But the most important thing you’re bringing? Your attitude.

Walk in with confidence, enthusiasm, and a genuine smile.

Your positive energy can be contagious, setting the tone for a great interview.

Letters of recommendation can also set you apart. These extras show you’re not just prepared—you’re going above and beyond.

Arrival: Timing is Everything

Here’s a pro tip: aim to arrive in the area about 30 minutes before your interview.

This buffer gives you time to find parking, locate the exact entrance, and compose yourself.

Punctuality is crucial in the interview process, and arriving early can help you gather your thoughts and reduce any last-minute stress.

But—and this is crucial—don’t walk into the store or office until 10-15 minutes before your scheduled time.

If you’re too early, you might catch the interviewer off guard or disrupt their preparation. Use that extra time to observe the store, watch how employees interact with customers, and take a few deep breaths.

This is your chance to get into the Starbucks zone.

First Impressions: Nailing the Greeting with Example Answers

The interview starts the moment you walk through the door. Stand tall, make eye contact, and offer that firm handshake. Making a positive first impression during the job interview is crucial. Introduce yourself clearly and thank them for the opportunity to interview.

Be friendly to everyone you encounter, from the person at the counter to other customers. You never know who might have input on the hiring decision. Plus, it shows you’ve got the people skills Starbucks values.

Remember, your first few seconds can set the tone for the entire interview.

Show them you’re excited to be there, ready to learn, and eager to contribute to the Starbucks team.

Dressing for Success: Starbucks Interview Attire

Starbucks Dress Code Basics: What You Need to Know

Starbucks has a reputation for being more relaxed than your typical corporate environment, but don’t let that fool you into underdressing for your interview.

The goal is to look polished and professional while still fitting the Starbucks vibe. This is especially important for the barista position, where aligning with the company’s aesthetic can make a strong impression.

Aim for business casual. Think “nice cafe” rather than “Wall Street boardroom.” Stick to neutral colors like black, white, beige, and navy. These colors are professional and align with the Starbucks aesthetic. Avoid anything too flashy or distracting—you want them to focus on your words, not your wardrobe.

What doesn’t work?

Avoid anything too casual like shorts, t-shirts, or flip-flops.

Steer clear of strong perfumes or colognes—remember, you’re interviewing at a place where scent is important, and you don’t want to overpower the coffee aroma.

Grooming Tips: Look Sharp, Feel Sharp

Your outfit is just part of the equation. Grooming is equally important. Ensure your hair is neat and clean. If it’s long, consider tying it back—Starbucks employees often need to keep their hair pulled back for food safety reasons. Looking sharp is especially crucial if you aspire to progress to a shift supervisor role, as it reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Keep your nails trimmed and clean. If you wear nail polish, make sure it’s not chipped. For makeup, go for a natural, fresh look. The key is to look put-together without appearing overdone.

Don’t forget about your smile—it’s going to be one of your best assets as a Starbucks employee. Make sure your teeth are brushed and your breath is fresh. A quick swish of mouthwash before your interview can boost your confidence.

In Summary – Prepare for Success!

Alright, you’re now locked and loaded for success. You’ve got the know-how to snag that interview, the prep to ace it, and the look to impress. Remember, Starbucks isn’t just hiring a barista—they’re investing in their next superstar.

You’ve put in the work, you’ve got the passion, and now it’s time to show them why you’re the perfect addition to their team.

As you head into your interview, carry this preparation with you like a perfectly crafted latte—warm, energizing, and ready to impress. You’re not just ready for this interview; you’re ready to start your Starbucks journey. Now go out there and show them what you’ve got. The Starbucks apron is waiting for you!